See Seal Coating Services in Action! – Vacuum Storage

This video shows you step-by-step how sealcoating is applied to an asphalt job. A simple yet essential service of sealcoating is vital for infrastructure. It is a way to make sure that driveways and roads are protected and free from harm.

Before we go deep into the process to find out what is the purpose of sealcoating and why is it so essential? Sealcoating is put on after the asphalt has been laid, is a protective layer , which is applied using a brush or swabs. Sealcoating acts as a protective layer that shields asphalt surfaces against freezing temperatures and vehicle leaks.

Even though sealcoating is able to last for approximately 3 years, it is best to have it renewed every year, to ensure that asphalt gets the maximum protection. Sealcoating usually is an emulsion, which is comprised consisting of water that is pure and coal tar as well as additions and emulsifying agent. It takes somewhere between 24-48 hours for it for the emulsion to dry completely, depending on the weather conditions and other factors. vwdcbzqlnn.

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