Compost – What Not To Do – Work Flow Management

It is a good idea to get started composting. There are several things are necessary to know. Though composting can be easy yet it’s not without difficulty. However, you need learn how to prevent making mistakes.

Do not neglect that you should turn your compost. To ensure that your compost pile perform at its best, it’s crucial to make sure that you turn your compost. The compost should be turned each week, at a minimum. This can be done using any device you own.

Another thing you must avoid is making your compost too either too dry or wet. Find the most suitable middle ground for your compost so it doesn’t harm the process. One of the ways to assure that this process is done perfect is to moisten the compost slightly every time you add something to the pile.

We will end our discussion with a reminder that you do not have enough compost on your yard. Make sure that your compost pile contains enough material prior to beginning your process. This could go wrong if begin with just a small pile.


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